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Great God Universe about to allow never seen nearly 8.0 Magnitude Earthquakes to hit Israel and whole the Middle-East seeking to force a total truce and cease fire, so that instead of to witness drones and missiles striking across the skies, not only the people who dwells in the Midlle East, but whole humanity can witness the appearing a new Star of light in the Universe, whose purpose will be to announce the visiting of an Enlightenned Being on Earth throught Brasil, with the mission of to teach and show us the solution to reach the real peace on Earth in seven days, reminding that such Earthquakes can be deemed as real blessing in desguises, as well as an invitation to Netanyahu to respect the mysterious heavenly powers that be.

Introdução - Introduction:  Este assunto está sujeito a  atualizações a serem feitas  no titulo desta página, a medida que o Grande, Verdadeiro e bondoso Deus Universo nos revelar  boas novas relacionadas com as soluções para o alcance da verdadeira paz Mundial, e adiamento do fim do Mundo terreno.  This issue is liable to updates to be done in the title of this page, whereas the Great, Real and Kindfull God Universe, unveils us good news related to the solutions for the  reaching of the real World peace, and for the postponing of the  end of the Earthly World.   A primeira atualização se refere a uma advertência quanto a uma série de Terremotos de aproximadamente 7.8 Graus na escala Richter que, sob a permissão do  Grande Deus Universo,  se    abaterão sobre Israel, objetivando adiar e evitar a invasão Terrestre de Rafah, justo durante o periodo do Ramadan.  The first updating is related to a warning about a series of nearly 7.8 degree Earthquakes,  which under the say-so of the Great